What a Drupal Performance!

How to optimize a Drupal powered website integrated with Apache Solr to hold and manage 126,000+ Records? No diet needed for this client. Even with such a hefty database, increased speed, performance and a longer life span can be achieved with a detailed content audit, revised taxonomy and a sophisticated in-site search experience.
A partnership with WDG, The Folger Shakespeare Library, Johns Hopkins University & Texas A&M University, we are proud to deliver the The World Shakespeare Bibliography Online, a searchable electronic database consisting of the most comprehensive record of Shakespeare-related scholarship and theatrical productions published or produced worldwide from 1960 to the present.
The World Shakespeare Bibliography Online Brief includes:
- How we facilitated A solution for a Complex Search problem
- How we expanding the Search Experience with Integration with Apache Solr
- Why data migration was key to this Drupal implementation
- The need for a new workflow
- The importance on giving back to the Drupal open source community.
Want to find out how we rethink strategy and plan for complex site structures and how we leverage Drupal to support large content heavy infrastructures, get in touch with us at [email protected]. Not fully convinced on Drupal 7 or 8 as the content management system for your association, nonprofit or business — dont worry, we wrote an article, “Why Drupal“.