Login and Download WordPress 5.1 Beta 2: It’s Here

It’s Finally Dropped
No, not the new Childish Gambino album — WordPress 5.1 Beta 2. WordPress has always been the CMS for-the-people, the one that even tech neophytes like me can operate (this very post was published with WordPress) — and thankfully the new upgrade is upon us.
Caution: the software is still being developed, so maybe wait to run it on a production site for now. In the interim though, set up a test site to play around with the new (belated holiday) toy.
For the time being, try the WordPress Beta Tester plugin — select the ‘bleeding edge nightlies’ option (also the name of my Fugazi cover band) — or download the beta (zip).
WordPress 5.1 officially should drop on February 21st (belated V-day gift) — and you should swoon over the refinements to the Site Health project along with other sweeping changes and bug fixes. Dev Team, wipe that drool from your mouth.
5.1 Changes
- Bulk editing posts will no longer accidentally change a post’s format.
- When updating language packs, old language packs are now correctly deleted to avoid filling up disk space.
- When developers incorrectly register REST API endpoints, it will trigger a notice.
- A bug preventing the Custom Fields meta box from being enabled has been fixed.
- Twemoji fully updated — no worries, the Unicode has unicorns, et al.
May your workflow handle the activity of the Roman Pantheon, may your Stylescapes rival Parisian cityscapes at dusk, may your content by happy — it’s all more possible with WordPress 5.1.
What are you still reading this for? Get developing/designing/writing on 5.1!