How to Pick a Great Web Host Provider

Imagine yourself. From strategy to visual design and development, you’ve made it through a successful and productive website redesign. Now you are ready to launch and show the entire world just what your beautiful new website is made of.

But before that, have you thought about what web hosting provider to use?

Finding a reliable web host—the connection between your site and the Internet—is just as important as the redesign process itself. After all, you want to make sure your website runs as smoothly as possible, right?

So, what are some things you should keep in mind when picking a web hosting provider? Here’s a checklist to help you!

Web Host Provider Checklist


Be honest: price is probably the first thing that your eyes, and wallet, will focus on when looking for a web host. Of course, this isn’t necessarily the best strategy to take. Keep the old adage in mind—you usually get what you pay for—when coming up with a decision. I always recommend doing a side-by-side comparison for different providers and the services they offer to better evaluate what provider will work best for you.

Tech Specs

Is your website a simple template or a enterprise-level commerce platform with tons of media and videos? What is on your website will largely determine the type of web host provider you decide to pick. Like I mentioned above, a cheap provider won’t be able to effectively keep up with all your content, resulting in slow loading times and insufficient support.

Support Services

When trouble arises, will there be someone on the other side working to fix the issue? Support is a huge, huge thing to consider when selecting a provider. Even if you’re an experienced webmaster, it’s reassuring to know you have a reliable customer support team behind you when you need it. When shopping around, look for providers that offer different forms of communication, including email, telephone, and online chat.


Seeing what others have to say about a web host provider is another great way of sorting the good from the bad. A disgruntled user is more likely to be candid about his or her experiences with a web host than the company itself.

Who Would WDG Use?

We’ve struck some pretty awesome relationships with many great web host providers. Want to see who’d we recommend for all your hosting needs? These three are our favorites!

  • Flywheel

    • Need super quick performance for your WordPress website? Flywheel solely specializes in WordPress hosting, so their servers are a 100% dedicated to making your site work perfectly.
  • Blackmesh

    • With a CMS like Drupal, you need a powerful host to make sure your website is up and running at all times. The Drupal enthusiasts at BlackMesh have got your website covered.
  • WordPress VIP

    • WordPress VIP is another fantastic WordPress hosting provider. With services like 27/7 support, back-ups, analytics, and content migration, your WordPress site will be completely secure, and functional.

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